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National Geographic Unique Lodges of the WorldSeal River Heritage LodgeNanuk Polar Bear LodgePolar Bear ToursProfessional Wildlife PhotographersPolar Bear PhotographyWildlife Photography
September 30, 2019

Cold weather wildlife and polar bear photography. What to wear.

Gloves. Mask. Camera. Charles "Chas" Glatzer ready for action at Seal River Heritage Lodge. by George Williams Canon Explorer of Light Charles "Chas" Glatzer and his Shoot the Light clients will be joining us for the 14th time this November for the Polar Bear Photo Safari at Seal River Heritage…
National Geographic Unique Lodges of the WorldNanuk Polar Bear LodgeWildlife PhotographyThe Story Behind the PhotoMoose
September 24, 2019

Bull moose power through powder at Nanuk Polar Bear Lodge. The Story Behind the Photo.

Without warning, five of the seven bull moose took off, and the powder was flying! Nanuk Polar Bear Lodge. Charles Glatzer photo. Story and photo by Canon EOL Charles "Chas" Glatzer, It was November and we had come to Nanuk Polar Bear Lodge on the southern shores of Hudson…
National Geographic Unique Lodges of the WorldNanuk Polar Bear LodgePolar Bear ToursSummer Polar Bear SafarisPolar Bear Safari Reviews
August 31, 2019

Group of seven surprised by summer polar bears at Nanuk Polar Bear Lodge

Polar bear family at Nanuk. Photo courtesy of Churchill Wild guest An Xiao. Click image for full album. by George Williams Guests take some fabulous photos on our summer polar bear safaris. Many are surprised by the fact that you can see polar bears without snow, and some, like An…
National Geographic Unique Lodges of the WorldSeal River Heritage LodgeNanuk Polar Bear LodgePolar Bear ToursSummer Polar Bear SafarisWolves
August 29, 2019

Wild and curious bears and guests emerge through the wet at Seal River and Nanuk

Shaking off the wet at Seal River. Photo courtesy of Churchill Wild guest David Fox. by Paul Scriver, Churchill Wild Polar Bear Guide The Hudson Bay coastline has been providing an amazing diversity of wildlife for our Summer Dual Lodge Safaris. With the final day of the second safari underway,…
National Geographic Unique Lodges of the WorldSeal River Heritage LodgeNanuk Polar Bear LodgePolar Bear Photo SafariPolar Bear PhotographyPolar Bear Stories
August 2, 2019

Churchill Wild guide, polar bears, wolves, featured in new National Geographic series: The Big Freeze by George Williams Churchill Wild guide Steve Schellenberg, along with assorted wolves, polar bears, Arctic foxes, Snowy Owls and more, were recently included in some of the footage for the new National Geographic series Wild_Life: The Big Freeze, in which filmmaker Bertie Gregory takes viewers on a blizzard-filled adventure…
Seal River Heritage LodgePolar Bear ToursBirds Bears and BelugasPolar Bear Photography
August 1, 2019

There’s a polar bear outside my window. July content dispatch from Seal River Heritage Lodge.

Polar bear relaxing on the rocks at Seal River. Camilla Taylor-Swift photo. By George Williams and Vanessa Desorcy The first few weeks of our 2019 season at Seal River Heritage Lodge have been absolutely magical. The Hudson Bay coastline has blessed us once again with wonderful wildlife, stunning scenery and…
National Geographic Unique Lodges of the WorldSeal River Heritage LodgeNanuk Polar Bear LodgePolar Bear ToursSustainable Tourism
July 14, 2019

National Geographic Unique Lodges of the World. Sustainable Tourism in Action. 2019 Impact Report. Imagine a place, where time stands still. Where you feel completely, and utterly present. Here, there are no barriers between you and the world. You are at peace, in the moment. Spanning six continents and a wealth of wilderness, National Geographic’s Unique Lodges of the World are places to…

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