Without warning, five of the seven bull moose took off, and the powder was flying! Nanuk Polar Bear Lodge. Charles Glatzer photo.
Story and photo by Canon EOL Charles “Chas” Glatzer, ShoottheLight.com
It was November and we had come to Nanuk Polar Bear Lodge on the southern shores of Hudson Bay, Manitoba, to photograph arctic wildlife.
On this morning, despite the snowy windy conditions and minus 32°F temps we took off on foot across the frozen tundra hoping Mother Nature would reveal a gem amid the white and seemingly barren landscape.
We walked almost continuously to stay warm, resting only a short time every half hour or so for a sip of warm beverage and to catch our breath. After much hiking, we rounded a corner and were surprised to find a group of seven bull moose feeding in a stand of willows 100 yards away from us.
When the moose spotted us, they began to separate and move off. I quickly raised the camera to my eye and focused on those that stayed together. Suddenly and without warning, five of the big bulls took off together, kicking snow powder into the air as they bolted through the brush. As the bulls slightly separated, I let the motor drive hum!
Bull moose do not typically herd together, however, they will on occasion form bachelor herds after the rut. Nothing beats “Time in the Field!” The memories shared that day are etched in my mind forever. I am instantly transported back to that epic moment every time I view this image.
I hope those who view this image feel like they were right next to me the moment I depressed the shutter!
Charles “Chas” Glatzer is a Canon Explorer of Light, a prestigious group comprised of the most influential photographers and cinematographers in the world, each a master of their creative specialty. Chas has been a photo leader with Churchill Wild for 11 years and has been to all our lodges, but he has an affinity for Seal River Heritage Lodge and Nanuk Polar Bear Lodge. An avid fly fisherman, Chas recently joined us for Wading Wild at Nanuk Polar Bear Lodge and he will be back for our upcoming Polar Bear Photo Safari at Seal River both this year and next. Chas also provided us with his suggestions on what to wear for cold weather photography. You can connect with Chas on Instagram @charlesglatzer, on Facebook here or on his Web site at ShootTheLight.com.