by Bella Waterton, Churchill Wild Wilderness Guide. Photos courtesy of Churchill wild guests Laura Montross and Chris Evans.
The wildflowers are out in full bloom at Seal River Heritage Lodge and the colours are absolutely amazing. As you walk across the tundra you become amazed at how the Arctic flora lightens and brightens your day!
- Prickly saxifrage. Chris Evans photo
- Cloudberries. Laura Montross photo.
- Fireweed. Laura Montross photo.
- Cotton grass. Laura Montross photo.
- Fireweed. Laura Montross photo.
The fireweed is stunning, with its peak growth season just over, and its presence on the ridges can be spotted from afar due its stunning shade of magenta. An absolutely gorgeous plant, fireweed loves disturbed ground, getting its name from growing on past burn sites. It pops up all over the place and lines the ridges along the Hudson Bay coastline, adding intense colour to the tundra during July.
Cotton grass is a classic of the north with its beautiful tufts, and makes for gorgeous photos in all weather types. The caribou enjoy it too.
Prickly saxifrage, with its delicate petals, has small red dots on each petal. Its succulent-stiff leaves give this plant its name. It is prickly to touch at the base. Prickly saxifrage loves rocky ridges, of which there are plenty around Seal River Heritage Lodge.
And the cloudberries are just starting to turn white!
Precious and plentiful on the tundra, cloudberries are ripe when they turn white, hence the name. These berries make delicious jam that is a breakfast staple at our polar bear lodges, and they are just starting to ripen at Seal River. You know what that means.
And we can already taste it.