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October 30, 2022

International Polar Bear Week 2022

Thinking about the future. Robert Postma photo. by George Williams International Polar Bear Week takes place from October 30 to November 5 this year, and the polar bears are already congregating on the shores of Hudson Bay anxiously waiting for the ice to form. People from all over the world…
Lonely polar bear at sunset. Seal River Heritage Lodge. Jad Davenport photo.
Seal River Heritage LodgePolar Bear ToursSummer Polar Bear SafarisPolar Bear PhotographyPolar Bear Safari ReviewsPolar Bear Stories
December 5, 2019

Polar bears have feelings, too

Longing for a friend at Seal River Heritage Lodge. Jad Davenport photo. by George Williams Like all wild animals, polar bears have an instinct to survive that dominates their lives, but like humans, once their basic needs have been satisfied, they find time for more enjoyable pursuits, such as spending…
National Geographic Unique Lodges of the WorldSeal River Heritage LodgePolar Bear ToursPolar Bear Photo SafariPolar Bear PhotographyThe Story Behind the Photo
April 20, 2019

Front Row Seat to the Fight. The Story Behind the Photo.

Polar bears sparring on Polar Bear Photo Safari at Seal River Heritage Lodge. Bill Lyne photo. Story and photo by Bill Lyne My wife, Lucy, and I have been on many adventures throughout our 48 years of marriage. We’ve visited more than 100 countries and have a keen interest in…
Seal River Heritage LodgeDymond Lake EcolodgePolar Bear ToursPolar Bear Photography
November 28, 2016

Postma helps guests create polar bear photos with feeling at Seal River Heritage Lodge, Dymond Lake Eco-Lodge

Story and photos by Robert Postma, Churchill Wild Photo Leader I can see the runway for Seal River Heritage Lodge and Dymond Lake Eco-Lodge approaching from the cockpit of our turbo otter. The greeting party is there, dressed in a myriad of colours to welcome us for a week of…
Polar Bear Tours
November 13, 2010

Polar Bears – A Walk to Remember

No! No! No! Hold my right paw softer! Where did you learn to dance anyways? by Andy MacPherson with notes from Terry Elliot - Seal River Lodge Polar Bear Guides  with photos by Paul McAteer I’m sure everyone woke up a sometime during the night to the sounds of the…

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