Return to Seal River. by George Williams with photos by Charles Glatzer, EOL Canon Explorer of Light Charles Glatzer and his Shoot the Light clients will be joining Churchill Wild this fall for their record 10th visit to Seal River Heritage Lodge and Nanuk Polar Bear Lodge, looking for the…
Eye-to-eye with a polar bear. Story and photos by Marc Latremouille, As a wildlife photography tour leader, a Polar Bear Photography Workshop was high on my list of trips to offer, so I began researching all the different options offered by the many companies and outfitters in Canada. We have…
Award-winning National Geographic Creative photographer Jad Davenport. Award-winning National Geographic photographer and writer Jad Davenport will lead two exclusive in-field photography workshops on the Hudson Bay Odyssey at Nanuk Polar Bear Lodge this fall from August 27-September 2 and August 31-September 6. And you can join him! Whether you're a novice…
Canon Explorer of Light Charles Glatzer Join Canon Explorer of Light Charles "Chas" Glatzer of Shoot The Light on what is sure to be an incredible photo safari at Nanuk Polar Bear Lodge this fall. The Canon Explorers of Light group is comprised of dozens of the most influential photographers and cinematographers in…
Polar bear relaxing near Seal River Heritage Lodge. Photo courtesy of Jad Davenport. Churchill Wild is pleased to announce that award-winning National Geographic photographer, author and filmmaker Jad Davenport will lead two exclusive photography workshops in 2016 at Seal River Heritage Lodge, which was recently named a member of National…
Polar mom and cubs out for a stroll at Seal River Heritage Lodge. by Mike Reimer with photos by Charles Glatzer If you spend enough time in the Arctic's exclusively wild locations you will eventually hit the "jackpot" and have an experience with wild things that rivals anything you've ever…
Polar bears sparring on Hudson Bay coast. Photo courtesy of Jad Davenport. Churchill Wild is proud to announce that award-winning National Geographic photographer, author and filmmaker Jad Davenport will lead an exclusive in-field photography workshop on the Mothers's & Cubs Adventure at Nanuk Polar Bear Lodge from September 21-27, 2015.…
by Mandy Wallman with photos by Charles Glatzer Having heard endless stories about the beauty and bears of Nanuk, I was still taken aback when our turbo beaver glided on to the Lodge's runway just over a week ago. Flying from Churchill, across Wapusk National Park, the trees gave away…