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Young polar bear trackers.
National Geographic Unique Lodges of the WorldNanuk Polar Bear LodgePolar Bear ToursPolar Bear Safari ReviewsPolar Bear Stories
January 7, 2020

Nanuk Polar Bear Lodge, through the eyes of youth

Young polar bear trackers at Nanuk Polar Bear Lodge by Aoife O’Connell, age 12 (Note: Aoife was at Nanuk Polar Bear Lodge for the Hudson Bay Odyssey in August 2019 with her mom Catherine, dad Michael and brother Lochlann.) The plane looked like something out of Indiana Jones: single propeller,…
Happy 2020 New Year from Churchill Wild team. Ian Johnson photo.
National Geographic Unique Lodges of the WorldSeal River Heritage LodgeNanuk Polar Bear LodgeDymond Lake EcolodgeWildlife PhotographyPolar Bear Safari Reviews
January 1, 2020

Happy New Year from Churchill Wild and the Polar Bears! Looking back on a great 2019.

by George Williams Happy New Year! Another polar bear season has come to an end and we can’t wait for the next to start! It was an adventurous year at Churchill Wild, with nature unleashing its fury on more than one occasion, but once again we had hundreds of happy…
Sujan luxury. Tiger.
Professional Wildlife PhotographersWildlife PhotographyGuest PostsSustainable Tourism
October 31, 2019

From India to Canada, from tigers to polar bears, conservation and luxury know no bounds

Tiger walks towards guests at SUJÁN Sher Bagh by Vanessa Desorcy with photos courtesy of Anjali Singh Whether it’s for tigers, polar bears, gorillas or elephants, wildlife lovers will travel across the world for the chance to come face-to-face with the world’s most enchanting -- and sometimes elusive -- creatures.…

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