Rebecca and Fraser are getting married! It’s true. Our daughter and her lifelong friend Fraser Issac have decided to throw their hats into the ring and tie the knot!

Rebecca and Fraser
Rebecca and Fraser will be married on October 8, 2011. The ceremony begins at 3 p.m. on our yard in Kleefeld, Manitoba. They have decided to take a chance on Mother Nature and have planned for an outdoor wedding, so we are hoping for a beautiful fall day. There should be an amazing backdrop for the event with all of the leaves changing colour. The trees will be gorgeous and the leaves that fall will provide us with an enchanting kaleidoscope carpet!
Let’s back up a few years and I will tell you how this all came to be.
Seven years ago, the Reimer Family decided to make the fateful move to Kleefeld, Manitoba from our long time home in Churchill. It was a heart wrenching move, as Churchill was the childhood home for five out of the six members of our family.
Our move came about fairly quickly, without a lot of time to find just the right home, so we moved into a tiny house on Hanover Road until we could find what we needed for our family. The family next door was the first to visit us and welcome us to our new home. And they had kids!
We became fast friends. Their eldest, a boy named Fraser, just happened to be the same age as our oldest daughter, Rebecca. Their daughter, Anja, a bubbly, friendly girl, soon spent many hours with our daughters. Fraser made it his mission to welcome the new girl in his grade and the two fast became a pair.
Rebecca and Fraser “hung out” for all of Grade 9 and most of Grade 10, back when Rebecca was still taller than him! By the end of Grade 10 their social circles were changing, we had moved to a new home down the road and their paths did not cross as much for a few years.
Fast forward three years and we found our daughter in college and living in Winnipeg with relatives and Fraser working in the city in between his university terms. They seemed to find time to start “hanging out” again and before we knew it, they had made it official and started dating. That was a year and half ago, and we are so pleased to have Fraser joining our family. He is literally the “boy next door”, but now MUCH taller than Rebecca, working on a college engineering degree and growing into a man of strong integrity who we have been proud to welcome into our lives.
As previously mentioned, Rebecca is our oldest daughter and just recently turned 21. She has grown up with Polar Bears at Seal River and fishing at North Knife Lake. She has been charged by a Polar Bear (fortunately when on the right side of the fence!), caught Manitoba Master angler fish and had a photo published in National Geographic Traveler. She has also spent countless hours snowmobiling with her family and friends, successfully hunted caribou and moose with her dad, been back up driver on Seal River ATV tours. She’s proven she can take on anything that’s thrown at her. Rebecca is thrilled to have found someone to share her love of the outdoors and adventure with. Fraser has embraced the north, but has also shown her the magic and beauty of the south.

Rebecca’s picture appeared in National Geographic Traveler Magazine in a story about Churchill Wild’s Seal River Heritage Lodge
We expect to see both of them making cameo appearances at the lodges over the next several years – if we can’t hook ‘em into some full time work!
Immediate future plans involve living in an apartment in Winnipeg while Fraser finishes the last year and a half of his education. From there, the possibilities are wide open!
Thanks for reading and sharing in our lives!
Please head over to our Facebook page, “like us” and send your comments to Rebecca & Fraser.
Jeanne & Mike