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December 21, 2011

Caramel Popcorn

A “keep-it-on-hand” treat but, to keep it on hand, you’ll have to hide it! INGREDIENTS 3/4 cups popping corn (unpopped) 2 cups salted peanuts Caramel Sauce 1 cup butter or margarine 2 cups packed brown sugar 1/2 cup corn syrup 1 tsp. salt 1 tsp. vanilla 1/2 tsp. baking soda…
December 21, 2011

Ribbon Salad

This recipe is a longstanding tradition and a favorite of the Webber family. Vary the colors to match the holiday. INGREDIENTS 2 x 3 oz. pkgs. lime flavored gelatin 5 cups boiling water 4 cups cold water 14 oz. can crushed pineapple 3 oz. pkg. lemon flavored gelatin 1/2 cup…
December 21, 2011

Christmas Fruitcake

This is a dark, moist fruitcake. I usually make it at the end of October and start nibbling by the end of November. Don’t let the long list of ingredients put you off but, do be prepared to start preparation the night before you plan to bake it. -- Marie…
December 21, 2011


Vinarterta comes to us compliments of Helen's Icelandic heritage. It has been handed down through her family for generations, and is served only on festive occasions. INGREDIENTS  Shortbread (6 layers): 1 cup butter (no substitute) 250 mL 1 1/2 cups white sugar 375 mL 2 eggs 2 tbsp. cream OR…
December 21, 2011

Nan’s Trifle

Nan was a dear Scottish friend who came to Canada with her husband many years ago. They landed up in Churchill, where Nan took over the books in my parents’ store. They had no family here and since we had plenty to go around we soon adopted each other. Nan…
Polar Bear ToursPolar Bear Photography
December 16, 2011

Exceptional guides critical to success of ground-level polar bear photography workshops on Hudson Bay coast

I'm getting closer... You just can’t take spectacular photos of polar bears without having excellent guides to watch your back. That’s according to professional photographer Bob Smith of Elk Meadow Images, who organized a photography workshop for 14 people this fall at Seal River Heritage Lodge. Smith’s group were taking…

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