More spectacular views of Hudson Bay and polar bears on the way!
by Nolan Booth
It’s only June 1 and the big timbers are already standing!
We got off to our earliest construction start ever at Seal River Heritage Lodge on May 19 and we hit the ground running. We now have the supporting timbers in place for the newly expanded dining room/lounge overlooking Hudson Bay. In the next few days we will have walls and a roof on and then the staff will be closed back in before the polar bears start to arrive.
The bay is still frozen and in the evenings we see the seals sunning on the flat ice about a kilometre from shore. The geese are moving north in massive flocks along with swans and cranes. The Arctic hares in the yard have been working hard rolling around in the gravel to get their winter white suits off to match the quickly darkening ground as the snow melts.
Spring is now in full force with temperatures reaching single-plus digits this week during the day and holding within a few degrees at night. Hopefully this is the end of our frosty nights and snowy mornings…
Summer polar bear season is fast approaching!

“Hey, that wasn’t there last year.” ~ Michael Poliza photo.