It was a Wild Walk for Charity in 2020! Thank you!
Thank you for making our Wild Walk for Charity a success!
Giving Tuesday 2020 marked our first annual Wild Walk for Charity and we raised more than $2,500 for the Canadian Wildlife Federation (CWF) and United Way of Winnipeg. We chose these charities because they embody two of the values we hold most dearly: protection for wildlife and support for our fellow Manitobans.
CWF works tirelessly to conserve and inspire conservation of Canada’s wildlife and wild places through education and research. One of their ongoing projects is finding ways to work with logging companies to develop protected swaths of land along waterways in the Boreal forest. These efforts will lead to enhanced protections for the creatures that call the Boreal forest their home, including the polar bears, wolves, moose and black bears we see at our Nanuk Polar Bear Lodge.
United Way Winnipeg provides sustained, consistent funding to more than 100 agency partners throughout the city working to end homelessness, reduce poverty and unemployment, provide important educational resources and much more. Thanks to a provincial government grant that covers administrative expenses, every dollar donated to United Way Winnipeg goes directly to funding their agency partners.
Right around the time we were planning this campaign, we got wind of a couple cool things some of our friends were doing.
George Turner had just launched a calendar with some of his favourite wildlife images — including two from Nanuk Polar Bear Lodge — and Kal Barteski had just released some original polar bear line drawings. Both George and Kal had committed to donating a portion of proceeds to polar bear conservation, and this gave us the idea to put together a couple of give-back-prize-packs!
Along with these two items, we included a beautiful t-shirt from New Plumage, a company that gives $1.00 from each purchase to bird conservation, and a collection of our favourite eco-friendly products.
Congrats to our winners, Lonnie Stevenson and Jeff Thompson, who each won one of these prizes valued at more than $200.
Thank you again to everyone who supported our fundraiser. We’re so proud to be surrounded by such an amazing network.