What’s for breakfast? Thanks to Jakki Livesey-van Dorst for this photo!
by Nolan Booth, Director of Lodge Operations, Churchill Wild
Resident polar bear Scarbrow has appeared regularly on the Great Ice Bear Adventure this season at Dymond Lake Eco-Lodge and has really put on a show for us at times.
He has spent many hours walking the fence line keeping guard over us and making sure we’re safe from other bears and he’s been wandering the coast for days enjoying the brisk northern headwinds. At one point he was spotted eating a seal with a few of his friends just down the coast.
This morning he decided he needed a change.
Our guess is that Scarbrow felt that a warm breakfast inside the Lakeshore Cabin would be tastier and a lot more comfortable than what he had scheduled. The guests and our photo leader were enjoying their coffee before breakfast when he decided to peep in. He stood up on his hind legs and at approximately 600 pounds it allowed him to reach up the 8 feet and stick his head in the window for a look and a sniff.
A big thank you goes out to guest Jakki Livesey-van Dorst for her great photo of Scarbrow poking his head in!
And to Ian Johnson for adding just a touch more humor to the situation.
“I presume you two ladies would like me to stay here with you.”
All happy at Dymond Lake!