This cool polar bear photo was taken by Julie Thompson at Seal River Heritage Lodge and it was attracting all kinds of attention on the Churchill Wild Facebook Page. It was suggested that the bear smelled the Cranberry Cake with Butter Sauce, a Lodge favorite from our Blueberries and Polar Bears Cookbooks. Hmm… well… it is delicious! The bear obviously knew that 🙂
Here’s what Julie had to say:
I tell people I walked amongst the polar bears just to see the looks on their faces. Some can’t believe it’s possible. They’ve never heard of such a thing.
“How close were you to one of the greatest predators on earth?” is usually a question which follows.
“Pretty close” I say, as they peruse our photo book with awestruck faces.
Standing outside of the lodge, we cautiously watched our resident bear approach. He was an inquisitive one, determined to enter into our “home away from home.”
I think he enjoyed the attention and our company. Always peeking into windows and pacing around the compound looking for a quick entry. He was affectionately known as Snuggleputz. The previous group staying at the lodge named him. While there was much discussion surrounding renaming him, Snuggleputz is the only name which sticks in my mind.
This bear gave us fantastic photo opportunities throughout our stay. With expert wildlife photographer, Dennis Fast, leading our group, we were always learning, whether it be out on a tundra trek or during one of his early evening fireside chats. We met fantastic people from around the globe who shared in our love of photography, we ate great food and were welcomed into the lodge as if we were part of the family.
Perhaps Snuggleputz sensed this warmth, the fun and friendliness of the lodge and he just wanted a glimpse of it for himself. If only someone would hear his knock.
Great picture Julie – very cool indeed. Like the Blog post, sounds like SNuggleputz entertained you all. Send some more pics please. Lisa