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From The Lodge
January 17, 2012

Arctic Freeze: Minus 55 in Churchill Manitoba

Today on the drive into work the weather guy on CBC was raving about the low, low temperature we are about to endure. Environment Canada is forecasting -37° C. Add to that the blowing wind (wind chill factor) and it is the equivalent of MINUS 55! BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR! We always say 'Churchill Wild:…
December 21, 2011

Christmas Fruitcake

This is a dark, moist fruitcake. I usually make it at the end of October and start nibbling by the end of November. Don’t let the long list of ingredients put you off but, do be prepared to start preparation the night before you plan to bake it. -- Marie INGREDIENTS…
December 21, 2011

Traditional Tourtiere

Originally a French-Canadian specialty, this dish is now enjoyed by Canadians from many ethnic backgrounds. Marie has used this recipe for many years. TOURTIERE INGREDIENTS 1 1/2 lbs. lean ground pork 750 g 1/2 cup finely chopped onion 125 mL 1/2 cup boiling water 125 mL 1 garlic clove, crushed…
December 21, 2011

Christmas Rum Balls

When Marie babysat Leaha as a little girl in Churchill, she didn't expect to be collecting recipes from her many years later. We are truly blessed by all the people who are willing to share their favorites and here is one of Leaha's. INGREDIENTS 4 cups finely ground vanilla wafers…
December 21, 2011

Stained Glass Cookies

These edible ornaments are a Christmas tradition in the Woolsey family. We first found the recipe in the National Geographic magazine, and right from the beginning, it was important to invite another family to join us. Now that the kids have all gone, we invite parish families and friends to the annual…
December 21, 2011

Hot Cross Buns

It is a tradition in our family to make Hot Cross Buns every Lenten season. They take longer than regular buns but don’t try any shortcuts or you’ll shortchange yourself. -- Marie INGREDIENTS 2 1/2 cups milk 2 tbsp. white sugar 7 cups flour (approx.) 2 tbsp. instant yeast 1/2 cup…
December 21, 2011

Christmas Danish

This flaky pastry is so good, it might not make it to Christmas. A lovely breakfast or dessert Danish, it is appropriate anytime. But, before you start, check your calendar—it takes three days to complete this recipe! INGREDIENTS 1/2 cup milk 1/4 cup butter or margarine 1 cup warm water…
December 21, 2011

Christmas Bread

This bread is a Christmas tradition in the Woolsey house. Every year I wonder why we don’t eat it all year long. This is very good for gift-giving! -- Marie INGREDIENTS 2 1/2 cups lukewarm water 1/2 cup white sugar 1 tsp. salt 1/4 cup vegetable oil 1 egg 2 tsp.…

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