Polar bear enjoys the sunshine outside the Lodge
“Just another day at Seal River,” said Mike Reimer, looking out over the tidal flats of Hudson Bay. “Seven big white polar bears hanging around.”
Two big bears sleeping 20 yards away from the compound, three in the North Bay, and two wandering around on the rocks south of the Seal River Lodge.
This is what our guests spent the early afternoon viewing from the windows and the compound of the Lodge. Running back and forth from window to window, going out into the compound to see which bear was at the fence for his close up – it was almost like you could hear the mega pixels being used in the cameras.
After about an hour of this we decided it was time to go for a hike. Only one problem – there were seven big polar bears about, and one had decided to take his afternoon nap 15 feet from the door of the Lodge, right on the road.

Polar bear that was guarding the Lodge decides to take a walk
“We’re trapped by Bears!” is all that Andy could say walking back into the lodge shaking his head. “I don’t think this guy is going anywhere soon.”
Luckily, time could be spent in the compound, where two large male bears had made their way up to the fence. After another hour the guides decided that they had had enough, and that no polar bear, no matter what the size, was going to hold up the program any longer.
The guests were assembled and we made our way out of the compound. The two fearless guides led the way. The resting polar bear raised his head, decided that the group of eager photographers heading his way was enough…
And off he went!