Come on little one. You can do it! Fabienne Jansen / photo. by Christoph Jansen / ArcticWild.Net We are happy to announce that the mom and cubs we have been watching for the past 11 days on the Nanuk Emergence Quest at Nanuk Polar Bear Lodge have made it…
The wonder of tree branches. Fabienne Jansen / photo. by Christoph Jansen / ArcticWild.Net Nanuk Polar Bear Lodge sits directly in front of a large polar bear denning area. Every year around Christmas, polar bear moms give birth to their cubs in snow or peat caves, so-called dens. They…
Churchill Wild co-founders and owners Mike and Jeanne Reimer with the Honourable Nellie Kennedy, Minister of Sport, Culture, Heritage and Tourism (right). George Williams photo. by George Williams Churchill Wild's first-ever awareness event at the Little Brown Jug in Winnipeg on February 6, 2025, was a resounding success. Dignitaries in… by Mike Reimer Occasionally, one is blessed to discover, or perhaps rediscover following First Nations & Inuit traditions, an exceptional wildlife destination. In the early years of our operations (1993!) our coastal explorations quickly revealed significant evidence that we were certainly not the first people to traverse this coastline.…