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Ghostly white beluga whales. Seal River Heritage Lodge.
Polar Bear SafarisUncategorizedSeal River Heritage LodgeNanuk Polar Bear LodgePolar Bear ToursArctic DiscoveryBirds Bears and BelugasSummer Dual Lodge SafariBeluga Whale
July 1, 2022

Get to Know the Canaries of the Sea

Beluga whale viewing is always a highlight for guests on our Birds, Bears and Belugas, Summer Dual Lodge and Arctic Discovery safaris. Their white skin reflects the blues and greens of Hudson Bay and can be seen from hundreds of feet above, giving them an ethereal appearance. Beluga whales are…
Arctic tern and gull conversing at Seal River.
Birds Bears and BelugasBirding
June 15, 2022

Birds of the North

Written by Allison Reimer Most of our Churchill Wild guests visit us for the rare experience of walking with polar bears, but they also enjoy observing beluga whales, and the thrill to watch wolves, moose, Arctic fox, wolverines and a variety of other wildlife. However, we also host some very…
Churchill Wild_photo by Andre Erlich
Churchill Wild LodgesPolar Bear SafarisUncategorizedNational Geographic Unique Lodges of the WorldSeal River Heritage LodgeNanuk Polar Bear LodgeDymond Lake EcolodgePolar Bear ToursFall Polar Bear SafarisHudson Bay OdysseyWildlife and WellnessPolar Bear Facts
May 16, 2022

A Hudson Bay Odyssey

It might be a little early to talk about pumpkin spice and everything nice, but if you’re a big fan of autumn colours and cozy vibes, you are probably looking for the Hudson Bay Odyssey safari. This trip encompasses the warmth of summer with the beauty of fall.   Photo by…
Churchill Wild_Robert Postma
Churchill Wild LodgesPolar Bear SafarisUncategorizedNational Geographic Unique Lodges of the WorldWildlife and Wellness
April 15, 2022

Where in the World is Churchill Wild?

Often our well-travelled guests are surprised to encounter the isolating locations of our lodges, virtually untouched wilderness surrounding them in every direction. We wanted to give you an idea of where your travels can take you.    Churchill Wild's Lodge Locations Canada, by area, is the second-largest country in the…
Dymond Lake Ecolodge_photo by Scott Zielke
Churchill Wild LodgesPolar Bear SafarisNational Geographic Unique Lodges of the WorldSeal River Heritage LodgeNanuk Polar Bear LodgeDymond Lake EcolodgePolar Bear ToursFall Polar Bear SafarisSpring Polar Bear SafarisWinter Polar Bear SafarisSummer Polar Bear SafarisFall Dual Lodge SafariSummer Dual Lodge SafariWildlife and WellnessSustainable Tourism
April 7, 2022

What Lodge Is Right For You?

We know there are always so many choices to make when booking a vacation, so we strive to make your planning a little easier by helping you choose the right Churchill Wild lodge for you. Hint: it might be all three.  We strive for consistently high customer service at each…
Churchill Wild LodgesPolar Bear SafarisSeal River Heritage LodgeNanuk Polar Bear LodgeDymond Lake EcolodgeFrom The LodgePolar Bear ToursNewsPolar Bear StoriesChurchillHudson Bay
March 1, 2022

Remembering Andy MacPherson (1970-2022)

World’s Top Polar Bear Guide, Dear Friend to Nature and People, Dies at 51 by George Williams  Tribute Video by BUILD Films Inc. Andy MacPherson. Pat Maloney photo. Andrew “Andy” Charles MacPherson, who was widely acknowledged as the world’s top polar bear guide, and a major force behind the evolution…

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