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By Maggie Cole

A Warm Welcome: The Blueberry Inn Grand Opening

On Thursday, October 3rd, we celebrated the Grand Opening of the Blueberry Inn in true Churchill Wild fashion. From 4:30 pm to 7:30 pm, the Inn was filled with the warmth of friends, family, and business partners as we shared this momentous occasion together. The evening was a testament to community spirit, hard work, and the love of the North. It couldn’t have gone better—from the delicious food to the entertainment, it was a night to remember.

A Community Effort

We were incredibly honoured by the turnout. We had the pleasure of hosting key figures from Calm Air, Oceans North, Indigenous Tourism Manitoba, Churchill Chamber of Commerce, and Polar Bears International, as well as Churchill Mayor Michael Spence, and many more. Tourism operators Frontiers North, Wapusk Adventures, Great White Bear Tours, and Sea North Tours were also in attendance, along with other local businesses. These partnerships are at the heart of what we do, and we couldn’t be more grateful for their support!

Jackie Storry speaking at Blueberry Inn Grand Opening

VP of Business Development, Jackie Storry, speaking at the Blueberry Inn Grand Opening

Speeches from Churchill Wild’s leadership—including VP of Business Development Jackie Storry, Co-owner Mike Reimer, and CEO Adam Pauls, set the tone for the evening. One memorable moment came from Nelson Morberg, Jeanne Reimer’s brother-in-law, who shared a story from the early days, flying over an old abandoned shack on the Hudson Bay coast with Mike Reimer. He recalled listening to Mike’s wild dream of turning the shack into a polar bear ecotourism company. At the time, Nelson couldn’t quite see the vision—but now, it’s hard to miss.

Mike and Jeanne Reimer’s journey from the ground up is one of perseverance and passion. With four kids in tow, Jeanne was in the kitchen cooking for guests, and ensuring they had a comfortable stay, while Mike was out giving tours on a quad with a small trailer that barely held a lawn chair. They started with just one guest in their first year, battling polar bear break-ins and countless setbacks, but they never accepted failure. Today, with multiple ecolodges and a thriving community of guests from around the world who have become evangelists for the Churchill Wild brand, Mike and Jeanne’s vision has become a reality that we’re all proud to be part of.

Jeanne Reimer and daughters making cookies from the Blueberries & Polar Bears cookbooks during the early days at Seal River Heritage Lodge.

Jeanne Reimer and daughters making cookies from the Blueberries & Polar Bears cookbooks during the early days at Seal River Heritage Lodge.

Music of the North

Music that touches the soul was at the heart of the evening’s entertainment. Brisbane avant-cellist Rob Knaggs is fast gaining a reputation with audiences for his dynamic walls of sound and live performances that transport listeners to the northern reaches of his adopted home in the sub-Arctic. Over the past five years, he’s performed concerts for beluga whales and beneath the northern lights, collaborated with throat singers, played support for Montreal sound wizard Tim Hecker, represented Manitoba at travel conferences across North America, and captivated audiences at the renowned Woodford Folk Festival.

In keeping with our local roots, Churchill’s own Roy Mexted shared a heartfelt song about Gypsy’s Bakery, a beloved landmark that preceded the Blueberry Inn. The song, filled with nostalgia and community pride, was a perfect tribute to the town’s history.

Local musician, Roy Mexted, singing at the Grand Opening of the Blueberry Inn in Churchill, Manitoba.

Local musician, Roy Mexted, singing at the Grand Opening of the Blueberry Inn.

A True Taste of Churchill

No Churchill Wild celebration would be complete without delicious food that brings people together. The Blueberry Inn’s grand opening was no exception, with a menu that featured dishes from our famous Blueberries & Polar Bears cookbook series. Guests enjoyed Jeanne’s Magic Disappearing Chicken Wings, Veggie Strudels, Mushroom Turnovers, and Beef Jalapeno Bacon Wraps—each dish offering a taste of the North with a comforting, homemade feel.

We also teamed up with local brewery Little Brown Jug to create a customized brew for the occasion: the ‘Honey Bear’ Golden Ale, and it was a hit!

“Brewed by Little Brown Jug in partnership with Churchill Wild. Creating friendships, changing lives, touching the Arctic. In sharing our home, our history, and our heritages, we provide that elusive, unique travel experience that refreshes the soul and awakens the explorer’s heart while building life changing memories.”

Honey Bear Golden Ale in the Blueberry Inn lounge.

Honey Bear Golden Ale was created in collaboration with Little Brown Jug for the Blueberry Inn Grand Opening.

A Tribute to Our Roots

The Blueberry Inn’s walls tell a story of resilience, growth, and the connection to Churchill and the Hudson Bay area. The centerpiece is our history wall, which takes guests on a journey from 1876, when the family first migrated from Iceland to Churchill, highlighting the vision and hard work over the years that transformed Churchill Wild into the world’s leading provider of ground-level polar bear safaris.

Guests at the Blueberry Inn viewing Churchill Wild's history wall, which dates back to 1876.

Guests at the Blueberry Inn viewing Churchill Wild’s history wall, which dates back to 1876.

Adding a local touch, the Blueberry Inn features a poem by Churchill local Koral Carpentier. Koral helps Churchill Wild with airport transfers and guided town tours, but her contribution goes beyond logistics—her words capture the heart of the community, adding a layer of warmth and reflection to the Blueberry Inn’s décor.

The walls of the Inn are filled with stunning photographs from incredible photographers including Dennis Fast, Rita Fast, Jad Davenport, Christoph and Fabienne Jansen, Steve Pressman, and more. These images of the North, from polar bears to breathtaking landscapes, transport the wild beauty of the Hudson Bay coast into the heart of the Inn.

The Start of Something Special

The Grand Opening of the Blueberry Inn marked the beginning of something truly special. We couldn’t have asked for a more perfect evening, filled with support from friends, family, and partners who share our love of Churchill, the Hudson Bay coast and the North. We’re excited to welcome more guests to experience the magic of Churchill, as we continue to build on a strong foundation that was originally established in 1876.

We hope you’ll join us!


Churchill Wild Polar Bear Safaris 2024-2025

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