by Bella Waterton, Churchill Wild Wilderness Guide
Autumn has arrived in northern Manitoba and the tundra is vibrant with all the colours of the rainbow! The Arctic Safari always brings with it a change in the weather signifying fall, the days are getting shorter and we’re waking up to frosty mornings almost every day.

Fireweed seeds are now blowing in the Arctic wind, finding homes for next year. Marilyn Scriver photo.
We have been seeing tons of Snow Geese, Sandhill Cranes and Canada Geese flying south. The fireweed has gone to seed and is now blowing all around finding new homes for next spring.
The polar bears seem to be enjoying the cooler weather, and the berry patches around the lodge. Siks siks are busily collecting seeds and grasses for hibernation, posing here and there for a few photos, but always keeping an eye on the polar bears!