Could you or someone you know use a good cookbook? One that always works?
We’ve got one for you and you can download it below, for FREE!
The collection of recipes in the Wild Delights Cookbook is drawn from the award-winning Blueberries & Polar Bears cookbook series, which has been the backbone of the Churchill Wild culinary experience from the very beginning. Over 100,000 of these cookbooks have been sold since 1994, and we’ve selected 45 guest-favourite recipes from the series for the new Wild Delights cookbook just for you.
Whether you (or they) are a young mom or dad just learning how to cook for their family, an experienced chef looking for inspiration, or the person in charge of preparing the daily feast for a remote work camp, the recipes in these books absolutely work. They all use practical cooking and baking techniques anyone can appreciate, and nothing is terribly difficult, as preparation is of the essence at our remote polar bear lodges.
Only the best-of-the-best guest-tested recipes at our remote ecolodges over the past five decades made it into the Blueberries & Polar Bears cookbooks, and all were developed for easy preparation using good, wholesome, basic ingredients, which acknowledges the fact that the corner store in the north may be a boat or plane trip away.